Vegan Recipes

Vegan Hempseed Smoothie

The Vegan Hempseed Smoothie is a yummy recipe. Furthermore, the thick and creamy chum smoothie is made with a mixture comprising non-dairy milk or water, fruits, and banana, and is full of antioxidants like acai berry powder or puree. Moreover, it’s quick, simple, and nutritious.


Vegan Hempseed Smoothie

Tips for making this recipe:

For simple smoothie prep, chop up bananas and measure out 1 cup of berries into separate freezer bags. This is a terrific way to have smoothie components on hand. Consider using kale or collard greens in place of spinach. To prevent sticky ingredients from sticking to the blender’s bottom, add sticky items like peanut butter or almond butter.


  • Almond milk: 3/4 cup.
  • Mixed berries: 1 cup.
  • Acai powder: 1 tbsp.
  • Hemp seeds: 1 tbsp.
  • Banana: 1.


  1. In the processor cup, add the frozen banana, berries, liquids, extra seeds, and acai powder or mix.
  2. Mix for around a minute, using a bit more liquid as necessary to help it go along, and mix, to ensure it’s velvety.
  3. Pour into a serving glass and enjoy.


Use whatever acai puree or unsweetened acai powder is most convenient. You made use of a freeze-dried powder you acquired from. Your smoothie will be thicker and more fluffy the less work it needs to do to blend. For easier mixing, be sure to cut the bananas before freezing.

Storage information:

The recommendation of preferably storing the smoothies is not preferable, consume it after making it.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Which variety of berries are acai comparable to?

Delicious fruits like acai and blueberries may be utilized in a variety of dishes, such as smoothie bowls and icy treats. Because it has less sugar than other fruits, acai is sour and bitter and has more fat than most other fruits. On the other hand, blueberries are sweeter, have more carbs, and have nearly no fat.

Nutritional facts:

Protein: 3 g.
Potassium: 185 mg.
Fiber: 1 g.
Calories: 69 kcal.
Sugar: 9 g.
Carbohydrates: 13 g.
Fat: 1 g.

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