Vegan Pickled Red Onions

  • Vegan RecipesVegan Pickled Red Onions

    Vegan Pickled Red Onions

    Vegan Pickled Red Onions are delicious food. Furthermore, it is ready in just fifteen minutes, and the taste and flavor are amazing. Moreover, it is made with three different variations. Ingredients: Salt: 3/4 cup. White vinegar: 1/2 cup. Honey: 2 tbsp. Water: 1/2 cup. Cumin. Rice wine vinegar: 1/2 cup. Apple cider vinegar, 3/4 cup. Garlic cloves. Instructions: Slice the red onion thinly (one teaspoon will do). In a compact kettle over the heat, combine the cider vinegar, water, sugar,…

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