Vegan Slutty Brownies

  • Vegan RecipesVegan Slutty Brownies

    Vegan Slutty Brownies

    The Vegan Slutty Brownies are a delicious recipe. Chocolate chip cookies and fudge brownies are three layers of pure perfection. Slutty brownies that are vegan and can be made gluten-free. Ingredients: Cooking layer: Vanilla extract: 1 tsp. Baking soda: 1/2 tsp. Vegan butter: 1/2 cup. Gluten-free all-purpose flour: 1 cup. Brown sugar: 1/2 cup. Ground flax meal: 1 tbsp. Vegan Mini chocolate chips: 1/2 cup. Sugar: 1/2 cup. Water: 3 tbsp. Baking powder: 1 tsp. Oreo: 8 Fudge brown layer:…

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