Vegan Recipes

Vegan Brie

The flavorful Vegan Brie is rich in taste, and it is soft. Furthermore, it is a good vegan dessert recipe, and the combination of the ingredients is very fluffy. Moreover, the vegan brie is so delicious that it is based on plants. It’s flavorful and has a thick, creamy texture. Use it as a tasty snack with chips and berries.

Tips for making this recipe:

You may omit the health benefits of yeast if you don’t like it, but doing so is strongly advised.
Red or brown miso paste, however, white miso paste, which is sometimes not even white, works best.

Vegan Brie

  • White miso paste: 2 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice: 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable stock: 1/2 cup.
  • Raw cahews: 1 cup.
  • Nutritional yeast: 1 tbsp.


  1. Place the cashews raw in a bowl. Cover with piping hot water directly from the kettle and let soak for an entire hour.
  2. Squeeze and dry the cashews after an hour.
  3. Reduce the temperature of the microwave to a temperature of 350 or 180 degrees Celsius.
  4. Blend while extremely smooth after adding the soaked cashews, lemon juice.
  5. Then add the nutritional yeast, and then put the miso soup paste as well as the vegetable stock in the mixer jar.
  6. Fill two 3-inch-round, 2.5-inch-deep oven-safe ramekins with paper towels.
  7. Using a rubber band, hold the parchment paper in place (take it out before roasting).
  8. Split the two ready ramekins with the vegan brie.
  9. For thirty minutes, bake.
  10. While taking them out of the ramekins, let them cool entirely to ambient temperature, and then move them to the refrigerator to finish chilling.
  11. Use it as a great snack with crackers and strawberries.
  • It doesn’t matter how big your ramekins are exactly. Instead of the two smaller rounds of cheese that we received, you will receive one larger round if you have one larger ramekin (5–6 inches).
  • Getting things done. Strawberries, figs, and red grapes are excellent accompaniments to this vegan brie. We adore it with fig jam on crackers.
Storage information:
  • Keep the brie in the closed box for 4 days in a cold place like (refrigerator.
Nutritional facts:

Carbohydrates: 7 g.

Saturated fat: 1 g.

Sodium: 292 mg.

Fiber: 1 g.

Calories: 102 kcal.

Iron: 1 mg

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